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Causes and Treatments of Persistent Dry Cough

Causes and Treatments of Persistent Dry Cough

A dry cough can be very troublesome. Not only is it irritating, but it takes a toll on your throat too. It feels like a thousand razor-sharp knives are piercing through your throat each time you cough. It is best to get persistent dry cough treated as soon as possible to get rid of the nuisance.
10 Common Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

10 Common Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

Leg cramps at night, also known as nocturnal leg cramps, are sudden, involuntary contractions of the muscles in the leg that usually occur during sleep. These cramps commonly affect the calf muscles and seem to “travel” up the leg towards the hamstring and thigh, and they can be quite painful.
5 Common Causes of Pain Behind the Knee

5 Common Causes of Pain Behind the Knee

The knee is one of the biggest and most complex joints present in our body which is comprised of different types of bones such as the shinbone known as the tibia, the smaller bone that runs parallel to the Tibia is known as the fibula, the thigh bone known as the femur and the kneecap, which is known as the patella.
Causes and Treatment Options for Severe Asthma

Causes and Treatment Options for Severe Asthma

An inflammatory lung condition which affects the passage of your lungs is called asthma. This condition is usually a chronic inflammation in the passage of the lungs. The airways of the lungs become narrow and start to swell, which in turn produce some extra mucus. This excess mucus makes it difficult for you to breath in a normal way and that will trigger wheezing, coughing and causes shortness of breath.
Types, Causes, and Treatment of Joint Pain

Types, Causes, and Treatment of Joint Pain

The other name of joint pain or inflammation is known as arthritis, which can affect one or more joints present in our body. Presently there are almost 200 different types of joint pain or arthritis, but among them, the most common types are as follows: Inflammatory arthritis Degenerative or mechanical arthritis Soft tissue musculoskeletal pain Back pain Connective tissue disease Infectious arthritis Metabolic arthritis Though the symptoms of arthritis develop over a long time, they can also appear suddenly out of nowhere.
Causes of High Blood Pressure and Tips to Reduce it

Causes of High Blood Pressure and Tips to Reduce it

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood flowing in the blood vessels. Blood vessels carry blood pumped by the heart to all parts of the body. Proper supply of blood requires an optimum level of blood pressure and anything above or below this level is a cause of concern.
Common Causes of Foot Pain

Common Causes of Foot Pain

While it is common to feel pain in your feet every once in a while, persisting pain in the feet is generally not a good sign. There are several causes of foot pain. If you feel pain in your heels while running, jogging, or walking over a large distance for an extended period of time, it is normal.
Causes and Treatment Methods of Chronic Diarrhea

Causes and Treatment Methods of Chronic Diarrhea

Diarrhea is the second most reported illness all over the country. The most prominent characteristic of diarrhea is a watery or loose stool. If diarrhea lasts for four or more weeks, then it will be regarded as chronic diarrhea. Although acute diarrhea may not be that serious and will get cured with time, chronic diarrhea may create some serious complications if it is not treated as soon as possible.
Causes and Treatment of Chronic Pain

Causes and Treatment of Chronic Pain

Usually, the pain that lasts at least for 12 weeks is defined as chronic pain. It can be intermittent or steady. It can come and go without any apparent reason. It can be felt dull or sharp, causing an aching or burning sensation in the affected areas. Also, the pain can be felt differently in the affected areas.
Types and Causes of Foot Pain

Types and Causes of Foot Pain

The problem of foot pain is very common. A research pointed out that foot pain affects 17% to 42% of adults at some time in their life. This pain in the foot can be caused due to a variety of factors, and sometimes, it gets difficult for the doctors as well to find out the root cause of the pain.
Causes and Triggers of Sinus Problems

Causes and Triggers of Sinus Problems

Sinuses are the area in the forehead just in the center of the eyes and behind the cheekbones. They are hollow air spaces whose primary function is to make mucus. This mucus keeps the inner side of your nose moist, thus protecting you from pollutants, allergies dust, and more. Hence, sinuses are not the cause of any problem.
The Different Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain

The Different Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain

The neck and shoulder area is a complex network of bones, muscles, and tissues. This complex part of the body is often the site of pain, soreness, injury, and other degenerative issues. The neck and shoulder pain may be caused by many different factors. You may experience the two in isolation or together.
5 Common Causes of Colitis

5 Common Causes of Colitis

Colitis is an extremely uncomfortable condition caused by the inflammation of the colon. The severity of the disease ranges from mild to severe and individuals suffer from several symptoms. The symptoms of colitis include feeling constipated, abdominal pain and cramping, experiencing small bowel movements which are frequent in nature, and experiencing diarrhea which may or may not have blood.
A Complete Guide to Stomach Pain and its Causes

A Complete Guide to Stomach Pain and its Causes

Stomach pain is quite a common issue that generally causes restlessness and uneasiness across the chest and pelvic area. It ranges from a dull ache to sharp twinge, though the intensity depends on the severity of the problem. The intense wave or discomfort can churn up your stomach, and it can be an indication of a life-threatening disease knocking the door.

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